Workshop on Frontiers in Privacy and Security for Biometrics in Europe:
Outcomes from PriMa & TReSPAsS-ETN EU Projects
12 - 13 September 2023
EURECOM - Campus SophiaTech - French Riviera
The workshop focuses on the results of the EU H2020 MSCA PriMa and TReSPAsS-ETN projects, shedding light on their impact on privacy, security, and the use of biometrics and AI. Aiming to drive adoption and societal acceptance of biometrics, it features sessions on technical advancements, threat management, usability, impact assessments, and legalities. Researchers across disciplines share solutions and insights to improve security, address privacy concerns, and ensure legal compliance. Attendees will gain deep understanding of biometric applications, their societal and legal implications, and the future of European privacy and security solutions. Please click here, to find more detailed information.
Here you can find presentations, photos and other input from the event